covid19 resources

covid19 resources

My social media platform of choice is Twitter. I know it's pretty dreaded with all the trolls out there, but I found that a lot of computer scientists, data scientists, and experts I follow are on Twitter - to me, it's handy because it provides a good pulse of SOTA research, methods, and more.

I was really confused (and kind of still am) with the dizzying array of covid-19 articles, papers, graphics, charts, assertions, arm-chair epidemiology arguments, and more being peppered onto Twitter. Nowadays it's hard to separate fact from fiction. So I started bookmarking and keeping a list of covid19 related resources. After a while I thought it would be helpful to share everything I've found, since it makes no sense for me to just hoard this to myself - ala toilet paper.

Ongoing list of covid-19 models, visualizations. Contribute to nudro/covid-resources development by creating an account on GitHub.

I try to manually update this every morning. I don't have a real method to this madness. It seems to be a product of people sending me ideas and recommendations, along with me mentally bookmarking tweets and posts. Overall there are a few categories I've organized:

  1. Data
  2. Visualizations
  3. Epi Models
  4. Channels and Social Media
  5. Deep Learning


new                #new updates
data-primary       #primary data sources
data-noneng        #data in non-English
data-published     #published data via journal articles
data-global        #data across the globe
data-challenge     #data used in online competitions
data-genome        #genomic sequencing data
sm-thread          #twitter thread rollups
sm-medium          #medium, towarddatascience posts
withcode           #Github code
noneng             #not in English
charts             #charts, graphs, descriptive
paper              #published article
viz-map            #map
viz-dash           #dashboard, that can also have maps
library-R          #R libraries
library-Py         #Python packages
dl-cv              #deep learning computer visioon

Badges grow every day, based on new tags that might be needed to easily wade through all the resources.

Thanks for making it this far, welcome all your recommendations.